Upcoming Virtual Programs



Woodpeckers: Master Carpenters of the Forest
Stella Miller, WBU
Thursday, July 11 at 7pm

 The forests and woodlands of New York provide ideal habitat for woodpecker species, some which breed here, one which is a regular migrant, spending winters with us, as well as a rarity to the area that may not be such a rarity for long. Tonight we will learn about the various species of woodpeckers that call lower NYS home, their amazing adaptations, as well as the answer to that age old question, “Why don’t woodpeckers get headaches?”

About the Speaker: Stella Miller is the Communication, Education and Outreach Manager at Wild Birds Unlimited of Syosset and the former president of Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon. Since 2006, Stella has spearheaded conservation advocacy efforts including co-founding the Preserve Plum Island Coalition, coordinating various habitat restoration projects, a youth mentoring program and a national campaign to save raptors at landfills. Currently, she is a member of the Palisades Interstate Parks League of Naturalists, conducting bird surveys at Harriman State Park, as well as a public speaker, presenting programs and classes on a variety of bird related topics.



Raptors 101: Hunters of the Sky Virtual Program
Stella Miller, WBU
Thursday, August 8 at 7pm

All raptors have a hooked beak, strong feet with sharp talons, remarkable eyesight, and a carnivorous diet. This fascinating family includes nocturnal hunting owls, day hunting hawks; fish-eating ospreys, go-speed racer falcons, majestic eagles and nature’s clean up crew, vultures. Some are migratory, while others are year-round residents of lower NYS. Raptors are apex predators that can be seen everywhere: in your backyard, the city, or in the wilds. In this program WBU's Stella Miller will discuss lower NYS’s diurnal birds of prey, their adaptations and how to identify them.

About the Speaker: Stella Miller is the Communication, Education and Outreach Manager at Wild Birds Unlimited of Syosset and the former president of Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon. Since 2006, Stella has spearheaded conservation advocacy efforts including co-founding the Preserve Plum Island Coalition, coordinating various habitat restoration projects, a youth mentoring program and a national campaign to save raptors at landfills. Currently, she is a member of the Palisades Interstate Parks League of Naturalists, and a public speaker, presenting programs and classes on a variety of bird related topics.


Raptors of Long Island-Live Birds Instore Event
The Wildlife Center of Long Island
Saturday, August 10 at 10am

You learned all about diurnal birds of prey during August 8th's virtual program. Join us today as we welcome some pretty special guests from the Wildlife Center of Long Island-live birds of prey! Meet some of the fiercest apex predators on Long Island living right in our backyards. Get an in-depth explanation of species-specific hunting methods, diurnal versus nocturnal adaptations, and unique survival tactics! Because we share common areas with these creatures, they are susceptible to human-induced threats. Learn how to help conserve these species and meet the Center's Raptor Ambassadors up close and personal!


The Birds in Your Backyard Virtual Program
Stella Miller, WBU
Thursday, September 12 at 7pm

New York State is home to numerous bird species, from the majestic Bald Eagle to tiny Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. With winter soon approaching, which bird species can you expect to see in your backyard? How can you identify them? In this program, you will be given a brief overview of the most common species of birds that can be seen in our backyards in winter, including year round residents and migrants. Stella will provide us with tips on how to identify them, how to attract them to your bird feeding stations and will also discuss the winter adaptations that help birds survive cold weather.

About the Speaker: Stella Miller is the Communication, Education and Outreach Manager at Wild Birds Unlimited of Syosset and the former president of Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon. Since 2006, Stella has spearheaded conservation advocacy efforts including co-founding the Preserve Plum Island Coalition, coordinating various habitat restoration projects, a youth mentoring program and a national campaign to save raptors at landfills. Currently, she is a member of the Palisades Interstate Parks League of Naturalists, conducting bird surveys at Harriman State Park, and a public speaker, presenting programs and classes on a variety of bird related topics.

Register Here

Bird Feeding Master Class In-store Program
Christine Burke, WBU
Saturday, September 28 at 9am

New to bird feeding? Been doing it awhile, but want to up your game? Then this class is for you! Christine Burke, co-owner of Wild Birds Unlimited, and a bird feeding expert, will show you the ropes in this comprehensive course. You’ll learn the best types of foods to feed, the 12 steps to a thoughtful bird feeding station, which feeders work best and how you can be seasonally savvy. You’ll also learn how to thwart pesky critters and make your yard as welcoming as possible for birds!

Space is limited! Register by calling 516-226-1780